学生必须提交 FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) to be considered for federal financial aid.

学生必须提交 FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) to be considered for federal financial aid. 从10月1日外围博彩平台为下一学年提供. The 政府ernment uses 信息 in the FAFSA and a federal formula to determine the Student Aid Index (SAI). 访问FAFSA fafsa.政府. 学生将需要一个FSA ID和密码来完成FAFSA. 一个可以在 studentaid.政府 / fsa-id. 外围博彩平台FAFSA和联邦援助的更多信息可在 studentaid.政府. 有关完成FAFSA的提示,请观看 如何填写FAFSA.

一旦FAFSA完成, the student and Warner Pacific (if listed on the FAFSA) receives a FAFSA Submission Summary. 外围博彩平台公司的校规是 003225.


ORSAA:俄勒冈州居民 无法提交FAFSA 可以在线申请俄勒冈州学生援助申请(ORSAA) OregonStudentAid.政府. This application determines eligibility for the Oregon State Grant along with Warner Pacific institutional financial aid.

需要申请:俄勒冈州以外州的居民 无法提交FAFSA may submit a Warner Pacific Need Application to apply for Warner Pacific institutional financial aid.

FAFSA豁免: Some students may be eligible to waive the FAFSA or Need Application requirement. The FAFSA Waiver is submitted to indicate that no type of Federal 金融援助 (including the loan programs) will be used. Please contact the Office of 金融援助 or an 招生 Counselor before completing this form.


FAFSA提供贷款资格. Part of a student’s Federal financial aid award includes Federal 工作人员ord 贷款. If the student chooses to borrow loans to assist with paying for the cost of education, 学生必须完成两个步骤才能获得贷款资金.

  1. 联邦斯塔福德贷款入学咨询: Students who have never borrowed federal loans at Warner Pacific in the past will need to complete this counseling online at studentaid.政府.
  2. 主本票: This Loan Agreement is completed by the student to indicate their intent to repay the loans after leaving school or dropping below half-time enrollment.


  • 登录到 studentaid.政府 使用你的FSA ID.
  • At the top of the page, 点击“完成援助过程”,并参考下一页的“下一步”
  • 在步骤05:完成入学咨询,点击“第一笔贷款”
  • “我是一名本科生”选择“登录外围博彩平台”
  • When logging in, use your FSA ID log in (same as what is used to complete the FAFSA)
  • 完成“通知这些学校”部分时, 选择俄勒冈州和外围博彩平台作为学校
  • 完成入学辅导后, 在这一页的顶部, 点击“完成援助过程”,并参考下一页的“下一步”
  • Under Step 04: Sign Loan Agreement, click on “完整的 a 主本票 (MPN)”
  • Select “登录到 Start” for “MPN for Subsidized/Unsubsidized 贷款” next to “I’m an Undergraduate Student”
  • When logging in, use your FSA ID log in (same as what is used to complete the FAFSA)
  • 填写学校信息部分时, 选择俄勒冈州和外围博彩平台作为学校
  • You will need reference 信息 for two people using the following criteria:
    • 列出两个拥有不同美国国籍的人.S. 认识你至少三年的人的地址
    • 第一个推荐人应该是父母或法定监护人
    • 推荐人必须有不同的地址和电话号码
  • Enter required 信息 and remember to save a copy of the completed MPN for your records.
  • 一旦你完成了MPN和入学咨询, your Checklist on 金融援助 Self Service (MyWP) will not update immediately. It may take time for these checklist items to show as completed; don’t worry.


外围博彩平台公司通过学生资助办公室在线提供学生经济援助奖励信 MyWP门户. Upon admission, new students are sent an email with their WP Network Login and temporary password. 查找这封电子邮件,以便您可以登录到 MyWP 当您收到获奖通知邮件时.


  • 登录到 MyWP.
  • 点击“助学金”, then 金融援助 Checklist under WebAdvisor for Students in the upper left hand corner.
  • 从下拉菜单中,选择My Awards. 根据需要接受(或拒绝)每个奖项.
  • 从下拉菜单中选择“授予信”. 单击页面底部的接受框.
  • 如果您被选中进行验证, 你不能接受你的助学金或签署你的奖励信. 完整的 验证需求 as quickly as possible so that your eligibility for financial aid can be finalized. Choose “Required Documents” from the drop-down menu on 金融援助 Self Service to view the steps you need to take to complete the verification process.



Yes, a new FAFSA is necessary in order to be eligible for federal financial aid each academic year.

  • 2024-25年FAFSA包括2024年秋季,2025年春季和2025年夏季
  • 2023-24年FAFSA包括2023年秋季,2024年春季和2024年夏季


您需要创建一个FSA ID和密码 studentaid.政府 / fsa-id.


如果你有收入,但不确定是否需要报税,请到 国税局互动税务助理 看看你是否需要报税. 如果你不需要提交, 你可以简单地列出你在该纳税年度可能获得的任何收入.


Most likely, you have already filed your taxes, as most of the deadlines to file have passed. If you have not filed yet, you must do so in order to be eligible for federal financial aid.

与此同时, you can complete the FAFSA with estimated 信息 and revise it once your taxes have been filed.



  • 你的 FSA ID登录 信息
  • 其他投稿人的姓名、地址、社会安全号码和电子邮件信息
  • 谁是我的FAFSA的贡献者?
  • 您的税务资料
    • 2024-25年FAFSA - 2022年税务信息
    • 2023-24年FAFSA - 2021年税务信息
  • 未纳税收入记录
  • 现金、储蓄和支票账户余额
  • 外围博彩平台校规: 003225


您的FSA ID是您必须使用的用户名和密码,以登录到某些U.S. 教育部(ED)网站. 你的 FSA ID identifies you as someone who has the right to access your own personal 信息 on ED websites such as the FAFSA.

重要的是要明白,学生和家长可能不会共享一个FSA ID. 你的FSA ID是你的签名,所以它必须是唯一的. 如果你是一个受抚养学生的家长, you will need your own FSA ID if you want to sign your child’s FAFSA form electronically. 如果你有一个以上的孩子上大学, 您可以使用同一个FSA ID来签署所有的应用程序, 但每个孩子都必须有他或她自己的.


  • 2024-25年FAFSA使用您的2022年纳税信息.
  • 2023-24年的FAFSA使用您的2021年纳税信息.


新的FAFSA每年10月10日发布. 1.

FSA ID故障处理

以下问题和更多问题的详细答案在 studentaid.政府.

  • 如果我忘记了我的FSA ID用户名和/或密码怎么办?
  • 如果我收到消息说我的FSA ID被锁定,我该怎么办?
  • 什么是金融服务管理局身份证?
  • 为什么我的FSA ID不能用?
  • 谁需要FSA身份证?



如果你对所有的回答都是否定的 下列问题, you may be a dependent student and may be required to provide your parents’ financial 信息 when completing the FAFSA.

  • 到12月你会年满24岁吗. 申请经济援助的学年的第31天?
  • Will you be working toward a master’s or doctorate degree (such as MA, MBA, MD, JD, PhD, EdD, etc.)?
  • 你是已婚还是分居但没有离婚?
  • 你的孩子有一半以上的生活费来自你吗?
  • Do you have dependents (other than children or a spouse) who live with you and receive more than half of their support from you?
  • 在你13岁以后的任何时候, 你的父母都去世了吗, 你被寄养了吗, 或者你是法院的监护人或家属?
  • Are you an emancipated minor or are you in a legal guardianship as determined by a court?
  • Are you an unaccompanied youth who is homeless or self-supporting and at risk of being homeless?
  • 你目前在美国服役吗.S. 非训练目的的武装部队?
  • 你是美国的老兵吗.S. 武装部队?

如果我的父母(或我), 如果是独立报税的话)他们/我还没有报税, 我应该继续填写FAFSA还是等待?

你可以使用估计税收信息填写FAFSA. Any changes or corrections need to be updated on the FAFSA after your taxes are complete.

我父母不帮我交学费. 我如何在不使用他们入息资料的情况下报税?

You must continue to use your parents’ income 信息 as long as you are considered a dependent according to FAFSA requirements. Refer to the question above to determine if you are a dependent or independent student.


每年10月,FAFSA可用于下一学年. 虽然我们没有最后期限, it’s important to fill it out as soon as possible to meet state and school financial aid deadlines. 它还确保您可以按时完成注册.


FAFSA计算学生援助指数(SAI), which is an index number that colleges use to determine your eligibility for need based Federal financial aid.


每年,美国政府都在进行财政改革.S. Department of Education randomly selects approximately 22% of those who complete the FAFSA for a process called verification. 如果被选中,就不用担心了! Verification is simply designed to make sure 信息 submitted on the FAFSA matches actual tax records.

如果你被选中,你需要填写一份 验证工作表 并提交家长和学生的税务记录. 你的 financial aid counselor will compare the figures on the tax documents with what you reported on the FAFSA and make updates to your record if necessary. If you have already received an award before verification is complete, a revised award may be sent.

